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Help us build a stronger Marin!

Your generous gift today helps transform lives in the Canal neighborhood.

Stand with immigrants as they navigate complex immigration laws and policies to achieve work permits, legal status, and citizenship.

Meet Gabriela Araceli Gutiérrez and Filemón Parra-Hernández: U.S. citizens and new voters

With your gift, you’ll touch the lives of people like Gabriela and Filemón, who immigrated to Marin County from Mexico. Gabriela and Filemón first came to Canal Alliance seeking support with their naturalization paperwork, having already achieved permanent residency. After working with our ILS staff, the couple attended Canal Alliance citizenship classes, received one-on-one tutoring to help prepare them for the U.S. naturalization exam, and eventually, after passing the test, became proud U.S. citizens. This achievement not only fulfilled their dreams but also laid the foundation for a better future for their children.

"We know we have done something really important, something that we have dreamed of, something that comes with a lot of responsibility. It is our duty to not only help our family and friends, but our community as well. When you become a U.S. citizen, you make a commitment to your community — to help those also on their way to becoming citizens and helping those who can’t as well." — Filemón

Your gift to Canal Alliance today will support more people like Gabriela and Filemón to achieve security, work toward their goals, and strengthen our shared community.

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